
Crisis Communication

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99% of crises hit businesses and organisations unexpectedly. Preparation and early training are essential to emerging successfully from crises.
Successful crisis communication is based on an internal crisis communication plan that defines both the composition of the crisis team and the information flow models for the different business activities.

In preparation for the crisis communication training, we work with the client to carry out a risk assessment, draw up an information flow model and select a crisis simulation area. During the training, we will give the whole team an overview of the principles of crisis communication management. We will simulate a crisis response—from the initial information sharing with different stakeholders to the readiness for TV interviews.

🟣 Find out more about META’s expertise in Reputation Management here.

🟣 To map common interests and find opportunities for collaboration, contact our new business manager Ann Hiiemaa (ann.hiiemaa@metadvisory.ee). The whole META team is waiting for you with their expertise!

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