

Since the beginning META’s special added value has been that our dialogue partners are decision-makers, the owners and managers of companies and organizations; policy-makers; journalists and opinion leaders shaping the public sphere, as well as civil society leaders.

Our culture is therefore associated with a special sense of responsibility and care. This culture is shared by the company’s founders as well as by start-up colleagues. What does being in the middle of big decisions mean to us on a daily basis?

Our thoughts and actions must always be based on the goals of our clients.

We are a straightforward and clear, and do not overuse client’s resources.

We are curious – when you stop learning, you start dying.

In practice, this means encouraging each other to learn, and passing knowledge onto newer colleagues.

META has entered the second decade of its life as the wisest of educational experiences. The growing team has further highlighted the value of togetherness and loyalty.

Our relationships are equal and free from hidden criticism or secret motives. We give each other strikingly honest and direct feedback, which is allowed by our culture of confidentiality.

Yes, we are demanding of ourselves and each other. However, this does not mean absolute perfection. Mistakes are an important and inevitable part of learning. A culture based on honest feedback favors telling a colleague and client about mistakes, wherein it is possible to prevent greater harm.

A culture of learning from minor mistakes allows you to avoid fatal mistakes.

We had a case where we discovered a mistake and a decision was made to bring it to the attention of the client. META then covered the cost out of META’s budget on our own initiative, and the work was redone. In this case, the world-leading company involved has continued to be a META customer for 10 years now!

Our actions must be transparent and our motives understood by all partners. It is not just a question of adhering to written and unwritten rules. Through customer relations, we are bound by all major jurisdictions in the Western world and their fair business and anti-corruption rules. The day-to-day responsibility of our consultants is great. Our motives must be clear to all parties, be they consumers of the marketing campaigns we have created, or officials and politicians in a lobbying effort. 

The client and their trust in us are at the heart of our business ethics, but it does not have to – and never should – come at the expense of other parties.

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