

Applications for the 2024 internship programme is closed!

If you have any questions about the application process or tasks, please feel free to contact Karoliine Olle (karoliine.olle@metaadvisory.ee).



🧠 Whether you’re a future PR talent, a government relations expert, or a digital and multimedia specialist—here’s your chance to roll up the sleeves and take the first step towards your dreams!

If you’d like to

  • see how Estonia’s sharpest government relations and PR professionals work;
  • get an insight into the soul of both domestic and international brands;
  • develop strategies, solve crises, and harness your creativity;

then prove to us that you are the future because META is on the lookout for talent!

This year, we are looking for six particularly knowledge-hungry trainees to our #METAIQ internship program to whom META will offer the opportunity to head off into the world of communications with a personal mentor.

If you are looking for an opportunity to join a leading government relations and PR agency, #METAIQ is the place to be!

We have recruited eight assistants to the META teams from the last four years of traineeship programme participants. Laura Põldma, who joined us in 2021 after completing the internship programme, has now grown into a junior consultant. The 2023 traineeship was a particularly great one, with four talented young people joining META afterwards. Many other #METAIQ participants have also quickly found professional jobs!

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