5 min read

International Media Analysis as a Cornerstone of Strategic Event Marketing

Organizing international conferences is more than just executing an event—it is an opportunity to shape trends in the sector and highlight local and global success stories. Choosing the right themes, speakers and PR strategy can turn an event into a key industry gathering that attracts the attention of both experts and the broader public.

Last October, the Estonian Space Office organized the International Software Defined Space Conference (SDSC), focusing on software development and cybersecurity in the space industry. As a PR partner of the conference, Meta Advisory helped raise the conference’s international and domestic visibility and strengthened Estonia’s position in the space sector.

Our activities, therefore, had three main focuses:

  • attracting international journalists to attend the conference,
  • highlighting stories related to Estonian companies in both local and international media,
  • activate the space community on social media.

The Role of Media Monitoring in Building Strategy

A key role in the communication activities was played by the in-depth media analysis carried out for the Estonian Space Agency before the conference. We used the international media monitoring tool Meltwater to analyze space infrastructure and cybersecurity topics covered in European and North American media from 2020 to 2024.

International Media

Just as gaining media coverage for niche topics in Estonia is challenging, it is even more difficult to secure a spot in tier 1 publications internationally. How can we effortlessly find journalists and publications interested in space-related topics? Once again, we turned to Meltwater for support.

The monitoring tool helped us map out potential journalists to invite to the conference. We sent them personalized invitations, emphasizing the conference’s uniqueness, introducing panels aligned with their interests, and highlighting Estonian and international experts participating in the event. We showcased success stories from Estonian companies in the space sector to further spark interest.

For journalists attending the conference, we offered the opportunity to visit Estonian space technology companies. As a result of one interview, an article was published on space.com, which was cited in more than ten international publications.

Estonian Media

The space sector is a complex and in-depth field with a specific audience. Unlike the international media, no publications or journalists specialize in space in Estonia. Therefore, it was essential to find engaging and trendy topics that connected the space industry with broader societal impacts, presented from an interesting angle, and appealed to the general reader.

Additionally, we aimed to explain why the space sector is vital for a small country like Estonia and to provide an overview of its current state. To achieve this, we encouraged representatives of Estonian companies to participate in radio shows and offered them interview opportunities to increase interest and awareness of the sector’s developments.

Elon Musk is a name that sells in the media. Therefore, we linked Estonian companies’ space experience to Musk’s Starlink activities and discussed what expanding a single company’s influence in the space industry means from a cybersecurity perspective.

Activating the space community on social media

Conference participants recognize SDSC as a great meeting place for industry colleagues—a venue to see what others are working on, share experiences, and exchange ideas about the future of the space sector. We aimed to activate these messages on social media before the conference. To achieve this, we invited both Estonian and internationally recognized thought leaders to share their past experiences with the conference on LinkedIn.

International media analysis and targeted communication helped bring Estonia’s space sector success stories into both domestic and international media, thereby increasing interest in the conference as well as Estonia more broadly. As a result, Estonian companies were highlighted, and the development of the space industry was supported.

5 min read

How Did We Get an Entire City to Solve Math Problems?

Sweaty palms, a racing heart, and a head full of confusion it’s time for a math test. Why are so many of us afraid of math? The path to knowledge shouldn’t be intimidating, especially in a world that increasingly demands mathematical thinking. How can we break the fear of numbers, improve attitudes towards math, and encourage young people to choose advanced math courses in high school? With these questions in mind, META Advisory and its partners launched the largest online math challenge in Estonian history. How did it go, and what did we learn along the way? 

Firstly, let’s answer the question: why do we need math? Beyond practical skills like financial literacy or statistical analysis, math trains our brains and develops logical thinking. Without it, society simply wouldn’t function. Yet math has acquired a reputation of being difficult, tedious, and unnecessary. This is especially evident to lecturers at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), who notice a steady decline in math skills among incoming students year after year.

The gap is most pronounced between high school students who follow the “narrow” and “broad” math curricula. Those studying narrow math often lack a solid foundation after three years. Moreover, students who take the narrow math exam cannot even apply to TalTech. The university’s experience also shows that many first-year students who studied broad math still need significant support to catch up. Unfortunately, we cannot afford engineers who build bridges that collapse or programmers who confuse ones and zeros.

To raise awareness of TalTech’s concerns, we envisioned a national campaign culminating in a collective math-solving event. Inspired by Estonia’s e-dictation (e-etteütlus) tradition, we proposed the idea of an “e-math challenge (e-rehkendus). The plan was to involve students but also, more importantly, their parents, who often guide young people in choosing between narrow and broad math tracks. 


  • Highlight the importance of math in Estonian society
  • Influence parents and students to opt for the broad math curriculum in schools
  • Improve the average national math exam scores of potential university applicants

Preparation Before PR

The first step was finding partners to support our initiative. Securing a trusted media partner and a major sponsor was crucial. Fortunately, both Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) and SEB Bank immediately understood the campaign’s value and shared our passion for promoting math. Foremost, ERR also has invaluable experience with e-dictation.

Next, we needed to create the math challenge — the “product” we would promote. Hats off to the developers at Reiven Solutions and the math teachers who created the math problems involved. Countless work hours, including late nights, went into this effort throughout August and September. Although we had the idea already in spring, the first lines of code were written only at the end of August. By early autumn, we were feeling a mix of excitement and nerves, much like preparing for a math test ourselves.


Before the ads for “e-rehkendus” appeared on radio, social media, and in shopping centers, TalTech’s rector, Tiit Land, had already published two opinion pieces emphasizing the importance of math. These articles gave us a rallying slogan: “Math should be Estonia’s second language.” The campaign gained further momentum with appearances on popular shows like “Terevisioon,” “Vikerhommik,” “Huvitaja,” “Ringvaade,” and “Hommik Anuga.” Even unprompted, organizations like Metrosert stepped in to support the cause. Metrosert’s director, Aigar Vaigu, solved math problems live on “Ringvaade.” Meanwhile, ERR aired radio promos, and our banner prominently featured on their website.

We also reached out directly to schools through principals and math teachers. SEB Bank notified all its clients about the event, and word spread through personal networks. As the event approached, we issued press releases, and then the big day arrived: October 2.

Just before 10 a.m., when the “e-rehkendus” platform went live, President Alar Karis spoke on Vikerraadio, encouraging everyone to participate. The president’s endorsement was a major win and undoubtedly boosted participation. Within minutes of launch, the platform began receiving correct answers. By the end of the day, the results were staggering, over 10,000 participants had submitted their answers in just a few hours.


  • Nearly 30,000 participants overall
  • 11,019 submitted answers
  • Over 60 media mentions across national and local outlets

Lessons Learned

What could we do differently? First, we need to engage schools earlier, as many teachers and students didn’t hear about the challenge in time. Our PR strategy could also benefit from a broader range of spokespersons, including those who can discuss math’s relevance in various fields, such as the humanities and social sciences.

What’s Next? The “e-rehkendus” is not a one-time event. Math will remain important tomorrow, next year, and for decades to come. We’re committed to ensuring that math truly becomes Estonia’s second language. See you at the next event on October 9!

A Bonus Challenge for You: here’s a sample problem from the “e-rehkendus”, reflecting a second-grade level. Good luck solving it! 

What time is it if the time remaining until the end of the day is four hours more than the time that has passed since the start of the day?

5 min read

Can what’s happening on agricultural fields captivate people beyond just farmers?

In short, the answer is yes — it can indeed, provided the right communication strategy is applied, impactful creative solutions are used, compelling stories and personalities are identified, and influencers who resonate with the target audience are involved. Our experience shows that thousands of Estonians, if not more, are interested in what happens in agricultural fields.

This summer, many traveling across the country may have noticed beautiful paintings by Estonian artists displayed along the edges of agricultural fields. Beyond being visually stunning and intriguing to compare with the actual fields, the project carried a deeper message about the vital role of agriculture in all our lives.

The META team worked with BASF and AD Angels to share Estonian farmers’ stories in the media and on social media.

Our activities in numbers:

  • The campaign ran from July to August, with PR activities carried out exclusively in July, lasting just one month;
  • Social media collaboration with one influencer;
  • Media outreach relied on one spokesperson;
  • Total of 18 media coverages;
  • 17 different media outlets (local and national media, television, and radio);
  • Estimated earned media value: €52,510;
  • We reached approximately 440,000 people in total.

What did we do?

Since the paintings were displayed in seven different locations across Estonia, it provided an opportunity to engage both regional and national media.

The campaign generated 18 pieces of earned media coverage across 17 different channels in just one month. News about the paintings displayed along the edges of agricultural fields appeared online, in print, and on radio, and through a well-chosen spokesperson, even made it to television news. For context, Estonia has 15 counties, and most counties have their own local publication. This means that a significant portion of people in every region of Estonia learned about the paintings and, along with them, the activities happening in the fields.

Photo: BASF

The news stories primarily focused on the paintings, which in turn helped tell the story of crops and farmers — presenting agriculture in a way that could engage even those who might otherwise find the topic uninteresting.

Through 17 different channels, we reached nearly 400,000 people. This means the news, and the topic itself, reached almost as many people as the population of Tallinn.

Carefully selected spokespeople and influencers

One of the key figures of the campaign was Farmer Tõnis, a familiar name to many through social media. In addition to blogging, he shares his daily life on Instagram, where he has gathered nearly 12,000 followers. Tõnis is the first farmer in Estonia to bring the everyday life of a farmer to a remarkably large audience in the Estonian context through social media. What makes his content particularly engaging is his honest and humorous take on both successes and challenges, including failures.

Instead of focusing on the campaign’s goals as such, we approached the media through Tõnis’ personal story. Using his own genuine experiences, Tõnis highlighted the most important aspects of the campaign: what truly happens in the agricultural fields, the challenges farmers face, and what they think about most while working the farm fields. Farmer Tõnis shared his story with tens of thousands of viewers on TV3, helping to create a people-centered perspective on agriculture. Our goal was to inspire people driving past beautiful fields in the summer to reflect on the possible stories behind them.

Photo: Farmer Tõnis, Instagram @farmer.tonis

One of the campaign’s goals was to bring agriculture closer to Gen Z (born roughly between 1997 and 2010). This is the future generation in the broadest sense, with media consumption habits that differ from those of older generations. To reach and engage them in a way that would help them relate to an otherwise unfamiliar topic, we involved a second influencer—someone with no prior connection to agriculture—who could explore and present the topic in their channels with genuine curiosity and a sense of discovery.

We collaborated with Loora Liisa Leosk, known as looraxo. With 43,000 followers on Instagram, she is well-known among young people but has no direct connection to agriculture. Loora visited the paintings displayed near the fields and shared her experience on Instagram through one post and three stories. Her content reached nearly 40,000 people. For comparison, in the same month—July — the circulation of one of Estonia’s most-read newspapers, Õhtuleht, was 29,400.

Photo: Loora Liisa Leosk, Instagram @looraxo

The project was created in collaboration with BASF and the AD Angels team, with META providing communication support through Ann Hiiemaa, Mirjam Mäesalu, Janet Õunapuu, Merilyn Säde, and Anett Veske.

5 min read

How to Make Your Marketing Campaign Visible in the Media?

Rinnakiosk x META


Media mentions: 17

Reach: 383,800 people

Goal: To strengthen the image of R-kiosk as a socially responsible brand that engages in activities with real impact.

Campaign background:

Rinnakiosk was a summer campaign by Reitan Convenience and the Estonian Health Insurance Fund (Tervisekassa). The creative idea was developed by AD Angels. The campaign aimed to raise awareness about the importance of early detection of breast cancer. In July and August, the R-kiosk at Pärnu Beach was transformed into the “Rinnakiosk” to highlight breast cancer awareness. A key factor in generating media interest for the marketing campaign was finding a newsworthy angle and using strategic communication to bring the issue into the public spotlight.

Challenge and Solution:

By listening to people and monitoring various social media channels, we realized that the Rinnakiosk and its location on Pärnu Beach had a provocative impact on the public.

Initially perceived as a challenge, we turned it to our advantage. This became the main message to amplify the campaign in the media. A traditional awareness campaign suddenly took on a new angle: Why does this approach seem provocative in 2024?

Using this information, we found a way to get the media talking about the topic by offering stories and angles that encouraged reflection and sparked discussions. The newsworthiness was not just in health awareness but also in the campaign and the societal attitudes it provoked, which interested journalists and opened up additional opportunities for extended interviews.


1. Strengthening brand image: Present R-kiosk as a socially responsible brand that cares about health and its employees. We created a strong and straightforward message explaining why the company is running this campaign — over 90% of its employees are women, so this issue is important to them, and they want to draw attention to it. The message was concise and impactful.

2. Making the marketing campaign appealing to the media: The media always needs more than just information about a campaign. It requires a creative, value-added angle that generates as much media coverage as possible.

3. Raising awareness: Increase public awareness about breast cancer prevention and encourage people to go for regular health check-ups.


• Launch event at Pärnu Beach: We organized a launch event where the Rinnakiosk was opened, and the campaign was introduced to journalists.

• Media engagement: Sharing press releases and photos from the launch event, offering interviews, and providing background information on the feedback received by the company regarding the campaign.

• Adjusting the media angle: Based on initial feedback, we adapted our communication strategy to emphasize why the provocative approach of Rinnakiosk raised questions in society. This allowed us to offer new perspectives to the media and secure more in-depth coverage.


• 17 media mentions, including interviews in both newspapers and radio.

• The campaign reached 383,800 people through media.

• At Pärnu Beach, 700 people scanned the QR code and reflected on their health.

4 min read

How to talk about a topic you don’t want to talk about?

The solution that will make Estonia’s economy thrive has always been sought, but many experts believe that solutions are in front of us. So how can we talk about bringing foreign talent, or foreign labour, to Estonia in public and do it in such a way that it is actually a driving force, not an exit force?

In November, we helped the Work in Estonia team organise a forum on foreign talent policy in Estonia, which focused on the ideas and needs of representatives of different professions and sectors regarding foreign talent policy for skilled labour. The result was a multifaceted, in-depth, substantive and enjoyable debate that was, above all, solution-oriented, spilling over into the media’s pages and society at large.


Generally, one key factor in communication always determines the sequence of events that follow – the story. Telling a story well and using the right spokespeople can make complex or challenging issues understandable. The subject must be told by experts in their field who have a broader view and believe in what they are saying. Perhaps most importantly, people need to have faith to talk about it – because if you don’t believe in what you are doing or talking about, why should others?

If you don’t believe in your actions, why should others?

To open up the sometimes complex topic of external lending policy, we brought in experts from various fields, from economics and employers to the health system, to speak at the Forum and discuss the issue. With their stories and concrete examples, all of these people painted a comprehensive picture of what is happening in Estonia’s external lending policy and what still needs to be fixed or happening, but for which there are high expectations.


Stories are always best told by real people or companies with their real challenges and ideas. We focused our Forum communication entirely on content and stories. It is good to use the media to raise different perspectives and open up the problem and solutions for such socially important, multifaceted issues. To this end, the team and I took Estonia’s external lending policy apart:

  • In cooperation with the Work in Estonia team, we mapped out the different challenges of foreign lending policy and wanted to tell the story of Estonian foreign lending policy through these challenges;
  • According to the challenges (or even the joys), we mapped out the appropriate channels and publications to deliver the valuable content and story exclusively from the speakers.

To do this, it was necessary to engage with representatives from different sectors – primarily talented people themselves, but also family doctors, offshore wind farm developers, employers, businesses, people who deal with talent every day, etc. – and to listen to what the missing pieces of the puzzle are in external talent policy. Along with the gaps came the things that Estonia has done well, and we didn’t leave those unsaid either because they are part of the story.


It’s easy to say that you need to find the right moment to talk about something, but many things cannot be discussed at any given moment. There may not be the right moment to talk about anything at any given time because of events in the world or Estonian society.

When the state of the Estonian economy and the search for solutions is being discussed by politicians, experts, employers, various professional associations and people in social media spaces, it is clear that this is one of the topics people are interested in right now. Price rises and interest rate hikes have been just one part of what has got many people thinking more about the economy than before and has increased their interest in the subject more broadly. So, it was an opportune moment to bring the topic of external lending policy into the economic debate.

Otto Pukk, president of the electronics industry group Incap and chairman of the Estonian Electronics Industry Association council, told Delfi Ärilehe that if you want to be world-class, you need people with world-class skills. According to the OSKA report, Estonia needs 2,600 more ICT specialists yearly to maintain the current level. There is a shortage of talent in other areas, too.

Coverage of the Estonian Foreign Lending Policy Forum.

Both the general public interest in economic issues and the thought-provoking facts and stories that emerged after the Forum confirmed that it was the right moment to talk about external lending policy and the challenges it faces. There was a willingness and interest from representatives of different sectors, policy makers and the media.

What happened after the story was told?

As mentioned, the Forum opened a constructive and meaningful discussion that spilt over into the media and the pages of the press. The Vice-Chancellor of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications promised to make dealing with the immigration quota, together with the external migration policy in general, a goal of his term of office. The minister spoke about bringing foreign labour to Estonia and the need for Estonia to focus on foreign investment policy, especially in terms of a skilled labour force of talent.

Through the stories of people and companies, we reached the next and long-awaited level in the Estonian economy – finally, society is ready to talk about foreign labour and come up with the right solutions. On a positive note, a direction has also been taken to give substance to Estonia’s economic policy, including the external labour policy, and to take the next necessary steps.


media coverages analyzing the topic


speakers from different fields

powerful subject

= real change

Meta team

Merilyn Säde Senior Consultant

Urmas Vaino Senior consultant

3 min read

Driving Sustainability at Rally Estonia: KWOTA’s PR Triumph

Estonia has hosted Rally Estonia since 2010. This year, a startup called KWOTA collaborated with Rally Estonia to positively contribute to society by addressing the carbon footprint associated with this rally event.

The mission was simple: encourage as many rally-goers as possible to purchase tokens. By buying these tokens, fans lent their support to material producers, providing them with financial backing to prioritise recycled materials over virgin resources in their production of goods. This sustainable approach significantly reduces CO2 emissions by a minimum of 50%, aiding in the fight against climate change.


Traditionally, motorsports fans are often associated with a lack of environmental consciousness, mainly because of the sport they follow. So, we had a big task ahead of us: making our targeted audience care about the environmental campaign and raising their awareness of how they could reduce their own and their favourite sports event’s carbon footprint so it could also endure in the future. We had three weeks to take the most out of PR.

Objectives and strategy

The objectives we needed to focus on and complete in three weeks were as follows:

  • Raise awareness. Educate people about the purpose and benefits of carbon credit tokens, including where the money goes and how they contribute to Rally Estonia.
  • Facilitate purchasing. Encourage and guide individuals towards the buying process of carbon credit tokens, ensuring they take action to support the cause.

The campaign’s strategy was to engage and activate individuals by addressing the key question ’’Ready for the future?’’ and stating ’’Your contribution matters.’’. The underlying idea behind this message was to empower fans and give them a voice in shaping the event’s trajectory. By posing this question, the campaign aimed to prompt enthusiasts to reflect on their desire to see Rally Estonia thrive in the coming years. To translate this support into action, the campaign encouraged fans to contribute to carbon credit tokens that will compensate Rally Estonia and their carbon footprint, benefit small manufacturers in Estonia, and show that Rally Estonia fans belong at the top regarding cooperation and caring about sustainability.

Before launching the campaign, we needed to identify our target audience, their media preferences, and the most effective channels to reach them. After creating a profile of a rally sports fan, we determined that the most effective ways to engage with them were through radio and television or by offering participation rewards.

To capture people’s attention, we needed to find a strong spokesperson who shared the campaign’s values, was media-ready, and held significance for rally fans. Thanks to the strong relationship between KWOTA and Rally Estonia, we secured Urmo Aava as our spokesperson. Aava, a former Estonian rally driver with seven years of experience in the World Rally Championship, also serves as the director of Rally Estonia.


During the three weeks, we focused on activities that delivered quick results and had the most significant possible positive impact on the company. The strategy we developed took us to rally fans with a clear message that appealed to their community and raised awareness of the partnership in the international motorsport media. For example, a story by renowned sports journalist Reiner Kuhn on KWOTA in the World Rally Championships (WRC) news will still be published in December.


media coverage in Estonia


stories in the international media

reaching more than 200K

people through the media

Meta team

Lily Mägi Consultant

Annabret Helena Järv Assistant

Video author: KWOTA. Link to the video on their YouTube channel here.

2 min read

How to approach traditional holidays in marketing?

When planning marketing campaigns, attention is often paid to annual holidays. The experience of the Baltic Station Market’s Halloween celebrations shows that a non-traditional approach and a lot of creativity bring the desired results. In addition to the excellent media attention, the show’s coverage was awarded a bronze in the Golden Egg event communication category.

Last autumn, the Baltic Station Market was in a situation where restrictions made it difficult to organise conventional events. So it started to gather ideas on how to keep the market buzzing differently. Since Halloween is strongly associated with pumpkins, there were plenty of options for decorating the market. However, everyone realised that using a pumpkin and pea shoot solution would not be enough to attract attention. Suddenly, Margaret Ishchenko, marketing specialist at the Baltic Station Market, had the idea of linking the Halloween celebrations to environmental issues. The ugly-faced pumpkins may be a bit scary, but the horrifying things are the ones that are happening around us in real life right now, especially for younger audiences.

The exhibition in front of the Baltic Station Market.

So we decided to express environmental issues through installations. Taavet Bristol, the project manager who had previously created installations for I Land Sound, and artist Laura Pormeister came on board and helped put together a powerful artistic concept.


  • To draw attention to environmental issues and show how to preserve the environment better.
  • To appeal to our everyday customers and bring in new customers. Earn a lot of media attention.
  • Earn a lot of media attention.
  • Raise awareness of the Baltic Station Market brand.
  • Demonstrate the role of the Baltic Station Market in developing responsible business.
Media coverage.


We approached the marketing campaign creatively, and 11 installations were installed at the Baltic Station Market, each with a strong message referring to a specific environmental pain point.

The exhibition’s overarching theme was the environment – from the harmfulness of mass production to the problems of waste management. As a retailer, the Baltic Station Market has a vital role in promoting responsible business, and the exhibition was well suited to this, sending out an important signal that we should consume sensibly.

We supported the exhibition with media and social media activities and received much media attention in the first days. To ensure greater visibility and coverage, we amplified the media coverage on the Baltic Station Market Facebook page. In addition, Instagram posts showed the positive emotions of market visitors and introduced both the exhibition idea and the installations.

Baltic Station Market’s Instagram posts reached many more people.


Thanks to the creative solution and well-done communication, we received attention in media channels we would never have reached with a classic marketing campaign. For example, “Ringvaade”, “Reporter”, and the Russian-language “Aktuaalne Kaamera”. In addition, media coverage in online media and print.

tThe reach of Instagram posts was ten times higher than the average, and the marketplace images spread organically on social media and in communities. There was also direct contact with market visitors who came to talk to the artists and ask about the installations.


times higher reach in Instagram than the average

90 000

visitors to the exhibition


social media posts from visitors to the Baltic Station Market

Meta team

Riin Härma Senior Consultant

3 min read

Estonia reaching to the stars: how to organise a successful international Cyber Security and Space Conference?

Estonians’ digital skills are increasingly being used worldwide: the international community highly values Estonia’s practical expertise in space cybersecurity, both in the private and public sectors. The time was ripe, therefore, to launch a unique conference series that would bring together cyber and space security experts from around the world.  The communication plan for the conference was implemented in just one month!

Due to government restrictions, the International Cyber and Space Conference was held on 10–11 November in English in a hybrid format, which we saw only possibilities. Suddenly there was an opportunity to invite more participants from around the world. On the spot, we got permission to bring in speakers, organisers and a few interested parties to make the digital broadcast and the speakers’ tracking much more interesting than the usual zoom meeting. This allowed other participants from all over the world to follow the conference virtually.

Cyber and Space Security Conference


1. Generate interest in the conference and support the sale of conference tickets.

2. Demonstrate through integrated communication solutions that Estonia is a leader in innovation and that we have extensive expertise in space cyber defence and space traffic management (STM).

3. Create a community of shared interest that wants to participate and have a voice in the conference and the issues it will address in the years to come.


  • Space cybersecurity service providers (space technology companies, including (space technology) start-ups, cybersecurity exercise providers, and university experts).
  • service users (earth station operators, satellite networks, satellite integrators, space-based service providers (remote sensing, IoT, communications), data centres); 
  • Defence sector;
  • international organisations – ESA, NATO, EUMETSAT, UN, EUSPA;
  • national space agencies or space bureaux. 


We created an integrated communication campaign focused on innovative communication platforms and ways to reach a niche audience with whom we had no previous experience. The strategy considered traditional media, private channels of Estonian Space Agency partners and speakers, broadcasts, hackathons, social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook), collaboration with space content creators and digital advertising. As part of the tactical plan, we encouraged all parties involved in the conference to share personalised social media-friendly visuals.


  • Activating partners

Even in the early stages of organising the conference, we realised that a large proportion of space experts are active on Twitter – so we found several partners and journalists on social media who would not otherwise have been included in our pre-conference activities. As the conference organiser (EAS) also provided us with a very social media-friendly brand book, we were able to personalise visuals for our partners, which we encouraged them to share on their own channels, leveraging our audience.

  • Digital Media

We integrated both (showcase) events and frequent posts related to the conference into the EAS Space Office channels to provide information to those who already follow the site and those new to it. Similarly, we included LinkedIn to ensure a constant flow of information and to create excitement in the run-up to the conference. Once again, the fact that the speakers, who are used to sharing what they are doing on LinkedIn, were happy to share the event and the posts they will be made under it, where they will be speaking soon, helped.

We saw how the social media posts shared by the presenters reached a much larger and much more precise audience of our niche audience than the digital ads provided. Organic engagement for the win!

  • Cyber and Space Security Conference “Influencer”

As in other sectors, space has its own trendsetters. So we worked with space expert Remco Timmermans, who amplified the space conference on his channels (Twitter and LinkedIn). Again, the best way to reach a niche audience is to collaborate and leverage private media owned by those who have a prior relationship with the audience. 

  • Broadcasts

The aim of the Broadcast series was to generate prior interest in the conference, introduce the topics to be covered at the event and support ticket sales for the conference. META, in collaboration with Marathon Studios, filmed a total of three episodes on various conference-related topics.

– Cyber Exercises and Space – Silver Lodi (Spaceit), Lauri Kimmel (Spaceit), Silver Saks (NATO CCDCOE) – Cyber Security on Earth and in Space – Marily Hendrikson (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications), David Ferguson (ScotlandIS).  

– Space Traffic Management -Paul Liias (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications), Kai-Uwe Schrogl (ESA, German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy). 

Media coverage in Postimees newspaper



participants at the conference

24 000

people reached about the event


different countries, where articipants were from


people reached about the Hackathon event


team took part of the hackathon

2 min read

How did McDonald’s and Joel Ostrat team up to make historic burgers?

It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t know a place as big as McDonald’s. How do you bring such a global brand closer to local customers and create a campaign that reflects local tastes and people? To do this, we had Joel Ostrat create Maestro burger recipes that turned people around in Estonia and across the Baltics.

It wasn’t just hype. It was a perfectly executed media relations exercise.

For the Maestro burger project, McDonald’s was looking for an Estonian master chef whose recipes would inspire people. They were looking for a burger that would truly make history. It was realised that only Joel Ostrat, a top chef loved by the people, could do it in Estonia. The recipes reached far beyond Estonia’s borders and conquered McDonald’s restaurants in the Baltics.

Joel communicated directly with people via McDonald’s Estonia’s Instagram account, let TV and radio presenters taste the burgers and gave an exclusive interview to Delfi before the launch, which was the number one news story in Delfi in terms of readership. It wasn’t just hype. It was a perfectly executed media relations exercise.

But our strategy didn’t only work in traditional media.

Media coverage in Ärileht newspaper.


  • To convey the message that this is not just the next McDonald’s burger but a gourmet meal from a master chef.
  • To convey the message that an Estonian chef created the burger recipe.
  • To talk directly and transparently about the creation of the recipe and the choice of ingredients.
  • Get people talking about the new burgers from McDonald’s restaurants.
Singer Artijom Savitski enjoying new Maestro burger.


MAIN OBJECTIVE: Get the message across that an Estonian chef created the burger.

KPI: Get people talking about burgers.

Target audience: 

  • Women and men aged 25-40 across Estonia.
  • Food enthusiasts – people who love good food but are not necessarily critics.


To create a strong bond between a global brand and local people, we chose Joel Ostrat, the star chef most loved by Estonians, to cook Maestro burgers. In addition to preparing the burger recipes, he became the face of the entire campaign across the Baltics. We brought Joel closer to the Estonian people by giving him the use of McDonald’s Estonia Instagram account. We sent him on TV and radio to eat burgers with the presenters, and we made Joel a courier and had him deliver burgers to his well-known friends. We made a news story about Joel’s recipes, which was the most read news story on Delphi.

MESSAGE: Burgers with recipes from top Estonian chef Joel Ostrat are on the menu at McDonald’s® restaurants in the Baltics.

Joel Ostrat delivered his own freshly made burgers to McDonald’s restaurant customers.


A few days after the launch, the burger ingredients started to run out in the restaurant, and a week after the launch, sales targets were doubled.


orgaanilist meediakajastust


sotsiaalmeedia-postitust restorani külastajatelt


Delfi uudis intervjuu Joel Ostratiga


Maestro burger kogu baltikumis


Influencerite kajastused sotsiaalmeedias

40 min

järjekorrad Mcdrive aladel

2 min read


Around 200 people in Estonia are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes each year. There is no cure for the disease, but modern medical technology, such as continuous glucose monitors, can help to manage it better and prevent long-term complications more effectively. Diabetes has attracted a lot of media attention, so our biggest challenge was how to bring a fresh angle to the much-talked-about disease.

3-in-1 objective

In September 2021, we helped Dexcom, Inc., the world’s leading sensor technology company, to launch its brand-new product, Dexcom ONE, in Estonia. As a health product, it was essential to demonstrate the reliability of the new product. At the same time, we needed to raise awareness of sensor technology in general and to increase understanding of it as the preferred standard for diabetes treatment.

In the campaign’s first phase, we targeted people with type 1 diabetes, estimated at around 7,000 in Estonia. Our government relations team provided support to enable national reimbursement for Contiuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) for people with type 1 diabetes in Estonia.

Media coverage: Postimees

How to reach both the community and decision-makers?

From a strategic perspective, it was crucial to find the stories and the people who could be able to connect with the diabetes community and show decision-makers the quality leap that sensor technology would bring to the lives of people with diabetes.

We brought together seven outstanding people willing to share their diabetes stories. We selected influencers who would speak to different market segments: actors, athletes, and lifestyle bloggers. Through them, we wanted to show that diabetes is not a reason to give up your dreams.

Media coverage: talking to actors, sports stars and lifestyle bloggers alike

At the same time, the Government Relations team worked to develop cooperation between different stakeholders. We organised meetings with stakeholders, both in government and in the wider health system. This included discussions with the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Health Insurance Fund, the Estonian Children and Young People’s Diabetes Association and many others.


  1. Bringing real-life stories to the media to raise awareness in the community and broader society;
  2. Focus on moments that matter to our influencers by asking them to share their everyday diabetes moments on social media;
  3. Be where the target audience is. We identified diabetes groups on Facebook that bring together a significant part of our target audience. In addition, we worked actively with patient organisations.

Almost a quarter of the target group started using the product in the first months

Through real-life stories, we raised awareness of diabetes and the needs of patients to make technology that can significantly improve their quality of life more accessible in Estonia. We reached hundreds of thousands of people by averaging weekly media coverage over six months, including two “Ringvaate” and one “Õhtu” broadcast.

A total of 29 earned media stories appeared during the campaign, 9 of which were exclusive stories of Dexcom Warriors. Posts made by or related to the influencers on social media garnered over 125K impressions and engaged nearly 2000 people. As of 1 January 2022, Dexcom ONE is reimbursed by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund for people with type 1 diabetes. An estimated quarter of the target group has already started using the product in the first months.

As a result of the meetings and discussions, we established new links between institutions, agencies and NGOs, which will continue to allow for ways to engage and cooperate in the future. As a result of the negotiations, we reached an agreement whereby DEXTOM ONE will be reimbursed by the Health Insurance Fund for people with type 1 diabetes from 1 January 2022. It is estimated that a quarter of the target group has already started using the product within the first months.

Actor Priit Pius shares his diabetes story and compensation message in the “Ringvaate” studio (20.01.22)



free media coverage


prime-time TV show

over 1.4 MLN

reach through social media


exclusive stories with influencers

over 125K

views in social media


engagement in social media

Meta team

Andreas Kaju Managing Partner

Rainer Laurits Partner and Team Lead

Cairit Rebane Senior consultant

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