Kadri Maasik

Kadri has extensive public sector experience, having worked in three different ministries. At the Ministry of Finance, she was responsible for public budgetary policy, including EU structural funds and other external aid. In the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kadri worked as Deputy Chancellor, in the first of which she mainly dealt with teachers’ salaries, education funding and school networks. At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she helped draft the 2030 foreign policy development plan and launched the Estonian Centre for International Development Cooperation.

Kadri has shared her expertise with the OECD and the European Union’s SIGMA initiative for ten years, supporting the Western Balkan countries in introducing good governance and developing strategic planning and public financial management systems. In addition, he has been active on the boards of several Estonian companies and foundations, such as AS Hoolekandeteenuste and has chaired the boards of HITSA and SA Archimedes.

Kadri provides management and government relations support to Meta’s clients.

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