Gregor Sibold

Gregor’s primary role at META is to advise and support both large and small technology companies. With years of experience in the media industry, he has worked as a journalist and as part of management teams. Additionally, he has extensive knowledge of employer branding in the IT sector and marketing communications both in Estonia and across Europe. In recent years, he has also developed in-depth expertise in the advertising field.

Gregor excels in strategic planning, content creation, and media relations. His key clients include SmartCap, Cybernetica, and EAS.

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NB! Microsoft on loobunud Internet Exploreri arendamisest ning sellele uuenduste tegemisest ja ei soovita antud internetibrauserit turvanõrkuste tõttu kasutada. Internet Explorer ei toeta enam uusi võrgustandardeid ning antud veebilahendus ei tööta siinses brauseris korrektselt.