
How to build your personal brand on LinkedIn

5 min read

LinkedIn and personal branding are not exactly the same, but using the platform wisely can significantly enhance your expert image.

There are very mixed opinions about LinkedIn. Some see it as one of the favourite platforms for self-admirers, where people can freely talk about their achievements, completed courses, micro-degrees, and being named Employee of the Year. As a result, many people tend to stay away from LinkedIn.

However, some consciously use LinkedIn to strengthen their brand, sell their company’s product or service, and position themselves as opinion leaders.

The difference between these two groups lies in the content: some talk about themselves, while others focus on what is valuable to their audience. Shameless self-promotion should be left in the past because the platform can be used much more skillfully.

Where to start with LinkedIn content creation and how?

1. Decide what you want to be known for

Your personal brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room. It all starts with your skills, values, and how people perceive you. We all have a personal brand, whether we’ve worked on it consciously or not.

The good news is that you can shape your personal brand yourself. Ask yourself: what do you want to be known for? Positioning yourself as an expert is challenging, and you should first clarify your expertise. Think about what you want to convey to people. Why should they trust you? What results have you already achieved? What have you learned in the process? A unique personality certainly gives you an edge.

2. Who is your audience?

Next, define the target group you want to reach as precisely as possible. Are they marketing managers, engineers, or developers? After determining your audience, think about their current challenges so that your content can help them be more successful in solving their problems. Understanding your audience is a prerequisite for creating valuable content, and understanding begins with active listening.

To create good content, it’s essential to understand your audience’s pain points, goals, problems, and opportunities. Only then can you start creating high-quality content.

3. Be original

Whatever you do, don’t forget that artificial statements don’t yield results. Be authentic! Real people, real stories, including mistakes and failures. Be brave enough to talk about them. Those who succeed on LinkedIn have found their unique voice and know how to tell a story.

It’s easy to tell when people take the path of least resistance and rely entirely on AI for their content creation. I’m not talking about using ChatGPT to bounce ideas around or getting a language check on a post. That’s entirely welcome and helps create more robust content. But it’s best to avoid bureaucratic language, awkward expressions, empty sentences, and even more so, AI-generated comments.

4. Write as you speak

Remember that social media posts don’t need to be long and complex. They should be easy for your audience to understand without effort. The clearer the message, the quicker it resonates. Remember that people’s attention spans are getting shorter, so avoid writing long and rambling texts. Try to break down your content and use LinkedIn’s article format for longer pieces.

5. Your profile should reflect the same message

Unclear messages are one of the most significant barriers to LinkedIn profiles and content not working. Optimize your profile: make sure it reflects what you want. Does your audience understand what you’re offering? Check your profile picture, and pay attention to your headline and banner. Use all available options to showcase your experience, especially the “About” section, where you can summarize your story comprehensively.

6. Consistency is key to success

Many people give up on LinkedIn after three to four months of trying. Give yourself time to succeed. Building a LinkedIn following takes time. Be consistent and stay visible, both in posting your content and commenting on your followers’ posts.

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